How To Get Armor Mods Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Review / Gamplay by Mtashed: I had to mass edit all of my descriptions due to an annoying copyright claim. Sorry I can't provide accurate info for. There isn’t any and bungie should fix this. I get 1 mod component around every 20 pieces I dismantle, if that. So I’m looking on average of 200 pieces of legendary gear before I can get one simple mod at the tower. Yes they’ve changed that if you dismantle a weapon/armor with a mod on it, you can get it back. Nov 28, 2020 Mods in Destiny 2 allow you to take advantage of additional perks. You can attach them to weapons and armor and enjoy the benefits of improvements to things like weapon handling, reload speeds. Oct 15, 2019 Mods! If you’re like me, you’re enjoying the new permanent unlock mod system in Destiny 2’s new armor 2.0, and yet you find yourself frustrated that you don’t exactly know.

Armor 2.0 is the umbrella name for the many changes to Destiny 2's Armor system in late 2019.

Armor can now be customised to better suit your style, both through base stats and giving it perks you can acquire through Armor mods.

Not only that, you can now change an Armor's appearance through a Universal Ornament 'transmog' system - allowing you to make better use of those hard earned cosmetics.

All these features are introduced as part of Destiny 2's third year, with the arrival of New Light content and Shadowkeep.

On this page:

Remember all the following features are only supported with Armor picked up from Year 3 onwards. That means if you want Mods to equip inside a legacy raid set, you need to run that and acquire them again.

What is Destiny 2's Armor 2.0 system and how does it work?

Destiny 2's Armor 2.0 system sees how you use armor change significantly as the game enters its third year, allowing you to customise it with stats and appearance to suit your playstyle.

Here's how it all works:

  • Armor affects six stats, which changes based on the base value of the pieces you equip and the mods you slot into them.
  • These are a mix of values from both the original Destiny and its sequel, and have a value of 1 to 100. Every 10 points then gives you a stat boost - for example, a mobility value of 30 increases your Guardian's movement by 13%, where as a value of 40 has 16%.
  • These values are as follows:
    • Mobility - 'Increases your movement speed and maximum jump height'
    • Resilience - 'Increases the amount of damage you can take before dying'
    • Recovery - 'Increases the speed at which you regain lost health'
    • Discipline - 'Increases the cooldown time of your grenades, allowing you to use them more often'
    • Intellect - 'Decreases the cooldown of your Super ability, allowing you to use it more often'
    • Strength - 'Decreases the cooldown time of your melee ability, allowing you to use it more often'
  • Equipping armor will increase these values in different ways. They can also use Mods, which introduce perks.
  • Each mod has a value, and the more you level up armor, the more perks you can equip. For example, if your armor is level six, then you have a budget of six points to spend - so you could equip mods worth 2 and 4 points each.
  • You can level up each armor piece up to level 10, which requires certain materials such as Enchantment Prisms or Ascendant Shards. Not only does this give you a budget of 10 when equipping mods, but it'll be 'Masterworked', giving it a +2 stat boost.
  • You cannot slot any Mod into any armor piece. Some are specific to that slot - Chest pieces will focus on Unflinching and Capacity Mods, for example - while others will need to match the Armor's Void, Solar or Arc status.
  • Though class items won't have stats, they can be equipped with mods to add new perks.
  • Mods are not consumables - once you own one, then can socketed as many times as you like across different respective armor pieces that support them.
  • Exotics work differently - while other armour sets don't come with any perks, these come with one pre-installed. Their appearance also cannot be changed outside of Shaders.

How to get Armor Mods in Destiny 2

At Shadowkeep's launch, Bungie has explained you can get Armor mods from the following sources:

How to get forge armor mods destiny 2
  • From the Gunsmith, either directly through a rotating selection, or from Gunsmith packages
  • World Engram rewards
  • 'Enhanced' Engrams from certain activities, such as Iron Banner and the Raid
  • Time-limited Mods from Seasonal Artefacts that expire at the end of a season

With the exception of those Seasonal Artefact Mods, once you have a Mod, it's always in your inventory and can be consumed as many times as you like, allowing you to experiment with using them across different types of builds.

Destiny 2 Mod types and Mod elements explained

Not all Mods can be installed into any Armor piece. Not only do elements come into play, but different equipment will use different mods based on the improvements you want to make.

It's a little confusing, but kirillburton on reddit has created a useful chart (based on the work by ILikeMeatloaf) showing exactly which Mods work with what equipment.

For example - if you want to improve Pulse Rifles, then you need Arc armor. If you want to specifically want to equip Targeting Mods, then you need to equip an Arc Helmet. If you want Scavenger Mods, then Arc Legs are required.

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Here's the Armor 2.0 Mod types and elements chart:

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How to change your Destiny 2 Armor appearance with the Universal Ornament 'transmog' system

In Destiny 2 Year 3, also it's possible to change the appearance of your equipment while keeping the base item's stats and benefits (this includes recent armor such as Solstice of Heroes).

This is the Universal Ornament system - or transmog system, for those familiar with other MMOs - and allows you to change Armor 2.0 equipment (which begin to drop from Shadowkeep and New Light's launch) into any of your collected Eververse armor.

To clarify - you cannot change anything to anything else. The base armour has to be Armor 2.0, and the armour appearances available are 'cosmetic' Eververse sets you have collected, which are now Universal Ornaments.

An additional exception are Exotics, the appearance of which cannot be changed.

To do this, on the perks screen, scroll down where to says 'Appearance' below.


From here, you can make cosmetic changes - including equip Universal Ornaments, Shaders and if supported, Glows.

Destiny 2 Armor 2.0 list: Which previous Destiny 2 Armor will support Armor 2.0?


How To Get Armor Mods Destiny 2

As well as Shadowkeep's new armor sets, the following existing Destiny 2 Armor will have 2.0 versions once Shadowkeep launches (thanks for the list):

  • Crucible: Year 1 (includes Year 1 ornaments)
  • Vanguard: Year 1 (includes Year 1 ornaments)
  • Black Armory Forges
  • Gambit (including Prime sets)
  • Menagerie
  • Raids, including:
    • Leviathan
    • Eater of Worlds
    • Spire of Stars
    • Last Wish
    • Scourge of the Past
    • Crown of Sorrow
  • Destination Armor sets, including:
    • European Dead Zone
    • Titan
    • Nessus
    • Io
    • Mercury
    • Mars (Vendor and Escalation Protocol)
    • Tangled Shore
    • Dreaming City
  • 'Additional world drops that can be found in Legendary engrams', according to Bungie

Remember you need to run these activities anew from Year 3 onwards to get their Armor 2.0 versions. Pulling them from Collections, for example, will give you the older version.

It's worth noting certain Armor is already available as 2.0 versions as soon as Shadowkeep launches. This includes your legendary Solstice of Heroes set, waiting for you at the Gunsmith, and Exotics, which you can pull from your collection with a set roll.

Once you have a Armor 2.0 version of the above, it will then support the new Mod system, as well as Universal Ornaments, allowing you to change the appearance to a cosmetic 'Eververse' set you have collected.

Destiny 2 weapon & armor mods can be used to modify your gear. They can affect your gear in different ways, from changing the color to adding different types of damage to weapons and granting you other boosts. They aren’t the easiest thing to find, but you definitely want to get your hands on both weapon and armor mods. For that reason, we’ve put together this guide to show you different armor and weapon mods in Destiny 2, along with how to get them.

How To Get Armor Mods Destiny 2

Destiny 2 How To Get Opulent Armor Mods

NOTE: This guide is a work in progress. More information will be added as we come by it.

How to Obtain Armor Mods in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2 armor mods will most commonly drop from Bright Engrams, which you’ll have to decrypt at The Farm’s Cryptarch, Tyra Karn. Another avenue you can take is doing business with Banshee-44. Armor mods are extremely important, maybe even more than weapon mods.

Obviously, some of the mods are going to be shaders, for when you want to look especially snazzy for the Cabal. More importantly, though, armor mods in Destiny 2 can and will have a huge effect on how you do on the battlefield. So much so, that some armor mods change how well your weapon works, synergizing with them in different ways and giving you the edge in the heat of the battle. Mods will also impact the number of times an ability can be used, and more.

How To Get General Armor Mods Destiny 2

Weapon Mods in Destiny 2 – Where to Get Them?

Destiny 2 weapon mods will be awarded for completing various in-game activities, ranging from completing quests and raids to finding the right vendor or decrypting the right engram. The can change the game significantly, though not as much as armor mods, comparatively. That being said, you definitely don’t want to just forget about them. To insert the weapon mods you want, or just review the ones you have, go into your inventory, inspect the weapon you want, and look to the bottom right.

Weapon Mod Types

The first option in the Weapon Mods menu is Legendary Infusion, and it works just like in the first game. You can consume a weapon of the same type but higher stats and infuse it into your weapon of preference. The second one is Damage Mod, which allows you to add different types of damage to your Energy or Power weapons – Arc, Void, or Solar. That way, you won’t have to haul various guns and will clean up your loadout.

As you’d expect, weapon mods in Destiny 2 will allow you to pimp the look of your weapon (third option in the Weapon Mods section). These come in shaders, which basically just change the color, and Weapon Ornaments, which modify how your Exotic weapon looks like. Weapon Ornaments are specific to the given weapon.

How To Get Enhanced Armor Mods Destiny 2

If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.