Tile Map Editor Online

Tiled supports editing tile maps in various projections (orthogonal, isometric, hexagonal) and also supports building levels with freely positioned, rotated or scaled images or annotating them with objects of various shapes. If you are looking for a flexible 2D level editor for your game, be sure to give Tiled a try! A flexible level editor. Enjoying Tiled and looking forward to more features and improvements? Support Tiled development with a monthly donation!

Select a picture or texture on your computer or phone, specify the desired tile format and then click OK button at the bottom of the page, wait a few seconds and download ready result. All other settings already installed by default.

Examples of tiles from the textures of bricks and wood with marked edges, that can be enabled in the settings:

Red stripes or sights are overlayed in order to visually indicate seams or joints of the texture, that is to check seamlessness of the texture. By default, they are not added, but you can turn them on in the settings. If texture after visual checking is not seamless, then at this website you can try to make a seamless texture automatically and in several ways. If the tile size wiil be greater than 100 Megapixels (≈10175x9852), the result will automatically adapt to the size of the original image.

The original image is not changed. You will get other processed tiling image.

A downloadable level editor, graphics for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Create multiple maps, each with it's own resolution up to 128x128 cells.

Use color palettes to instantly change how the map are rendered.

Create a bitmap font with the FontSprite application. it will automatically be updated as you work. Keep both open for instant updated without reloading files.

Comes complete with full file details so you can add it to your own project.

Includes Readme.txt with Monkey2 source code (a variant of basic). This is very simple to understand.

Efficient tile editing select more than one character and stamp it onto the map.

Paint and select just the color portion of a map.

Tile Map Editor Online

Type with text.

Select an area, and drag/copy it many times.

Supports square, offset and isometric and hexagonal maps.

Use multiple fonts and palettes.

Each layer has its' own resolution.

Cut/Copy/Paste entire layers.

Use different colors (from the palette) to draw the selected character with. Ascii Drawing, but use it with a map level to make different coloured areas with one single graphic!

V1.06 - May 2018

  • first linux build
  • bug fixes

2d game map maker

File Format:

- header -
(4 bytes) int = -9999

Tiled Level Editor

(4 bytes) int = number of layers

- layer data -
(4 bytes) int = width of layer (0 aligned)

(4 bytes) int = height of layer (0 aligned)

Tile Map Editor Online Gratis

starting from top left, data is read down the height, then across to the next x cell and continues down until all data is read

- cell data -
(2 bytes) short = map character (referencing the character font)

(2 bytes) short = color reference (referencing the color palette)

Tile Map Editor Online Photo Editor

Tile map editor online download

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Tags16-bit, 8-Bit, editor, graphics, Level Editor, Tilemap based tools, tool

Install instructions

Download and click the exe or .app to run.

Tile Map Editor Online Editor

Free Palettes and fonts for you to test are included as well as a short demo file

Tile Map Editor Online Pixlr


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